quarta-feira, 29 de julho de 2015

Art report

In this post I'll talk about one of my art classes. In this class my teacher Roberto taught us about a great painter.
Van Gogh is considered one of the leading representatives of world painting. Born in the Netherlands, on 30 March 1853. He had a sister and a brother named Theo. With this brother, he established a strong friendship. Through the letters he exchanged with her brother, the researchers were able to rescue many aspects of life and the painter's work.

The year 1886 was extremely important in his career. He moved to Paris with his brother. Met in the new city, important painters of the time, for example, Emile Bernard, Toulouse-Lautrec, Paul Gauguin and Edgar Degas, representatives of Impressionism. He received a great influence of these masters of impressionism, as we can see in several of his canvases

Two years after arriving in France, part of the city of Arles in the south of the country. A region rich in rural landscapes, with a bucolic setting. In this context, several works painted with sunflowers. In Arles, he single framework which managed to sell all his life: The Vineyard Incarnate.

His psychological state came to reflect in their works. He left dotted technique and began to paint with quick and small strokes. In the year 1889, her illness became more serious and had to be hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic. In this clinic, in a monastery, it had a beautiful garden that became his source of inspiration. The strokes were set aside and the spiral curves began to appear on their screens

In May, he left the clinic and returned to live in Paris, close to his brother and doctor Paul Gachet, who would treat you. This doctor was portrayed in one of his works: Portrait of Doctor Gachet. But the depressive situation has not regressed. On July 27, 1890, he shot his own chest. He was taken to a hospital but did not survive, dying three days later.

Major works of Van Gogh:

- Os comedores de batatas (1885)

- Caveira com cigarro acesso (1886)

- A ponte Debaixo de Chuva

- Natureza morta com absinto

- A italiana (1887)

- A vinha encarnada

- A casa amarela (1888)

- Auto-retratos 

- Retrato do Dr. Gachet

- Girassóis

- Vista de Arles com Lírios

- Noite Estrelada

- O Escolar

- O velho moinho (1888)

- Oliveiras (1889)

- Vista de Arles, Pomar em flor

- A Igreja de Auvers 


A noite estrelada 👇👇

Reference:m.suapesquisa.com › vangogh3

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