terça-feira, 21 de abril de 2015

Sebastião Salgado

Sebastiao Salgado is the one of the bests photographer of the world! This post i will talk about him and his wonderful work

The Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado Ribeiro was born in Aimorés, Minas Gerais, on 8 February 1944. He is the only male child among nine sisters. Degree in economics in the capital of Espírito Santo, Vitória, post-graduated from the University of São Paulo, USP. As an economist, he worked in the Ministry of Economy in 1968.
Due to political persecution undertaken by the military dictatorship, he was forced to seek political asylum in Paris in 1969. There he completed his doctorate in Economics in 1971. Returning to Brazil, he worked at the International Coffee Organization, in 1973, as expert in surveillance of African plantations. Thus, to complete 29 years, on a trip to Africa, taking a camera from his wife, Lelia Wanick Salgado, he had his final encounter with photography.
Sebastian discovers the photographic work the best way to face the planetary events, especially in its economic aspects. By following this path that it turns into one of the leading and most revered today's photographers, photojournalism in the field. From the first moments he devoted himself to portray the excluded, those on the margins of society.
Adept of the photos in white-and-black, returned to Paris in 1973, then beginning its journey in this new profession. His first works were performed as 'free lance', approaching from the dry climate in the African Sahel perimeter of Niger, the European salaried workers.

Me and my friends went to an exhibition of him and I'll show one of his famous works

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